This site has an English translation of the original, if you do not need a translation, please go to the original
  • Presentation mode


    Static presentation mode allows you to follow links on a page, click on various objects, enter text in text fields, check radio buttons and check boxes, submit forms, and simulate events (such as key presses).

    Using the presentation mode, you can improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaign by adjusting impressions so that people visiting your site, depending on the settings you have made, are shown more than one page, as a result of which they will receive more information about the goods and services you are advertising. In addition, the presentation mode has a huge number of commands to simulate the actions of a real visitor, allowing, for example, testing sites in various scenarios.

    Settings available for static presentation mode:

    • Prohibit user clicks when showing a presentation  - prevents external clicks when showing a presentation. This option can be useful for complex presentations, in which a user click can affect the success of the remaining commands in the presentation.
    • Finish the presentation earlier within N seconds (randomly, up to 15 seconds) - the total time for executing the presentation commands coincides with the time the site is displayed and is set in the main site settings at the top in the "Display time" list. Check this box, and the total execution time of presentation commands will vary from 0 to N seconds (maximum 15 seconds). For example, if a site is shown for one minute, presentation commands can be completed in 46-60 seconds. This setting does not affect the total time the site is shown.
    • List of commands  - here you can set presentation commands, the waiting time before executing each next command, as well as command parameters (data for search, insertion, links to sites, etc.). The presentation can include up to 50 commands, the size of the parameters of each command should be no more than 1000 characters.
      • Time  is the amount of time required to execute a command and wait a short pause before executing the next command. If this time is not enough to execute the current command, the time will be automatically increased to the minimum required.
        Specified as one or two values. The first value corresponds to the minimum time, the second (if specified) - to the maximum. The real value is selected at random from a given interval. If the maximum time is not specified, the duration of the command execution will correspond to the minimum value. If the time is not entered in any of the fields for the "Go", "Go POST" and "Search for link" commands, it is determined as follows: (total time of visit minus random deviation from total time of visit (if set) minus total time execution of commands for which it is specified) divided by the total number of commands . In order for all presentation commands to be executed, the total time for all teams must be less than the duration of the visit, otherwise, presentation commands that do not have enough time will not be executed.
      • Team  - sets the presentation team.

        The following commands are valid ( optional parameters are enclosed in square brackets [] . You do not need to enter square brackets when entering commands ):

        Attention! To configure the parameters listed below, you need a good knowledge of HTML and JavaScript and the ability to parse the HTML code of the page. If you don't have enough knowledge to do this, you shouldn't use these options. The support service does not provide advice on how to configure these parameters, we recommend that you contact the forum for advice .

        • Go  - forces the program to load the page at the specified URL in the parameters to the active tab. Command parameters are entered in the format Url [; Referrer] , where Url is the address of the site page, including the domain and protocol (for example, ). Referrer (optional) - the address of the referrer page.

          If you need to pass the referrer that was sent to the server when you enter your site (when the first page is requested), specify the SELECTED keyword as the referrer . To send the address of the current page as a referrer, specify the CURRENT keyword as a referrer .

        • Find Link  - Forces the browser to find a link that matches the conditions specified in the parameters and follow it, dispatching mouse events to that link before clicking. The address of the page on which the link is located is always passed as a referrer. Command parameters are entered in the SearchKey format ; SearchData [; Index] [; NoEvents] , where SearchKey takes the following values:
          • id  - search for a link by ID, SearchData  - the required identifier. For example, when entering id ; mylink, the following link will be found: <a href="" id=" mylink "> Link </a> . All types of search are available .
          • link  - search for a link by its part, SearchData  - a part of the required link. You will be followed by a link containing a portion of the text passed as the SearchData parameter . For example, when entering link ; such a link will be found <a href=" "> the required link </a> . All types of search are available .
          • number  - search for a link by its ordinal number in the document, SearchData  - sequential number (starts with ZERO). For example, if you know that there are 7 links in the document and you need to follow the third, then you need to enter number ; 2
          • text  - search for a link by its text, SearchData  - a part of the link text. The search is done in the innerHTML property . For example, when typing text ; Vasya will find the following link: <a href=""> Vasya </a> . All types of search are available .
          • name  - search for a link by its name, SearchData  - a part of the link name. The search is performed in the name attribute . For example, when entering name ; link the following link will be found: <a href="" name=" link "> Vasya Pupkin </a> . All types of search are available .
          • last  - selection of the last link used earlier by the commands "Enter text", "Mark a checkbox", "Send events", the SearchData parameter is ignored, but its input is required. For example, in order for a random link from all links in the document containing the word firstpage to first receive a keydown event, and then follow it, you can use the following sequence of commands: "Send events" with the parameters a; link; firstpage; keydown; -1 and "Link search" with parameters last ; 0
          • selector  - search for a link by a CSS selector, searchData  is a valid CSS selector. For example, for the parameters selector; .mylink [href * = example], a link will be found that has the class mylink and contains the word example in the address , for example: <a href=" "class=" mylink "> example site </a> .
          • custom  - search for a link by attributes for which no separate commands have been created (for example, title, class, etc.), SearchData is entered in the form name = value , where name is the name of the attribute, value is part of the value of this parameter. Search by several attributes is possible, in this case the SearchData parameter is set as name1 = value1 !! name2 = value2 !! name3 = value3 ... (separated by !! by two exclamation marks). For example, when you enter custom ; class = mylink !! href = http: // the following link will be found: <a href=" "class=" mylink "> My site </a> . All types of search are available .
          • Index parameter (optional) - defines the index of the link, starting from zero (among those matching the search conditions), which will be followed. In the absence of this parameter, the transition is carried out on the first found link. If the value of this parameter is set to a negative value, the transition will be performed by a random link. For example, when entering link ; ; -1 will be followed by a random link from the list of links that contain the address .
          • NoEvents parameter (optional) - can be set to NoEvents to prevent sending mouse messages generated by this command
        • Internal transition  - searching for an internal link in the loaded page, imitating a click (sending mouse events, activating a link) and making the browser navigate to this link. The address of the page in which the search was performed is always transmitted as a referrer. Command parameters are entered in the searchKey format ; searchData [; index] [; noEvents] , where searchKey takes the following values:
          • id  - search for a link by ID, B  - the required identifier. For example, when entering id ; mylink, the following link will be found: <a href="" id=" mylink "> Link </a> . All types of search are available .
          • link  - search for a link by its part, searchData  - a part of the desired link. The link will be followed that contains a portion of the text passed as the searchData parameter . For example, when entering link ; such a link will be found <a href=" "> the required link </a> . All types of search are available .
          • text  - search for a link by its text, searchData  - a part of the link text. The search is done in the innerHTML property . For example, when typing text ; Vasya will find the following link: <a href=""> Vasya </a> . All types of search are available .
          • name  - search for a link by its name, searchData  - a part of the link name. The search is performed in the name attribute . For example, when entering name ; link the following link will be found: <a href="" name=" link "> Vasya Pupkin </a> . All types of search are available .
          • selector  - search for a link by a CSS selector, searchData  is a valid CSS selector. For example, for the parameters selector; .mylink [href * = example], a link will be found that has the class mylink and contains the word example in the address , for example: <a href=" "class=" mylink "> example site </a> .
          • custom  - search for a link by attributes for which no separate commands have been created (for example, title, class, etc.), searchData is entered in the form name = value , where name is the name of the attribute, value is part of the value of this parameter. Search by several attributes is possible, in this case parameter B is specified as name1 = value1 !! name2 = value2 !! name3 = value3 ... (separated by !! by two exclamation marks). For example, when you enter custom ; class = mylink !! href = http: // the following link will be found: <a href=" "class=" mylink "> My site </a> . All types of search are available .
          • The index parameter (optional) - defines the index of the link starting from zero (among those matching the search conditions), which will be followed. In the absence of this parameter, the transition is carried out on the first found link. If the value of this parameter is set to a negative value, the transition will be performed by a random link. For example, when entering link ; ; -1 will be followed by a random link from the list of links that contain the address .
          • NoEvents parameter (optional) - can be set to NoEvents to prevent sending mouse messages generated by this command
        • Text Input  - inserts or character-by-character input of the specified text into form elements. Works with input , textarea and select elements . Parameters are entered in the following formats:
          FormNameOrIndex; ElementNameOrIndex; Text
          Tag; SearchData; Text
          selector; selectorData; Text
          • FormNameOrIndex  - Sequential number (starting with zero) or the name of the form in the document. If <form name = "myform">  is the only form in the document, then it will be found by entering FormNameOrIndex of both myform and 0 . Enter keyword = LAST = to use the previous item that was manipulated. In this case, the content of the ElementNameOrIndex parameter is ignored, but must be set to any value.
          • ElementNameOrIndex  - ordinal (starting with zero) or the name of the element of the form A. If <input name = "mytext">  is the only text field in the form, then it will be found when you enter ElementNameOrIndex as mytext and 0 .
          • selector  - the keyword selector , determines the search method.
          • selectorData  is a valid CSS selector to identify the element you are looking for.
          • Tag  - the tag of the element with which the command should work. The valid tags are input , textarea, and select .
          • SearchData  - The data required to search for an item. They are specified in the form attributeName = attributeValue , where attributeName is the name of the attribute on the element, and attributeValue is the value of this attribute. Multiple attribute searches are possible (in this case, attribute-value pairs are separated by two exclamation marks ( !! )).
          • Text  is the value you want to set in a text box or list. For a list, the Text should be set to what is contained in the value attribute of the option tag , not what the visitor to the page sees. For example, we have a form: <form name = " frm "> <input name = " user "> <select name = " auth "> <option value = "1"> User <option value = " 2 "> Administrator < / select> </form> To enter admin in the user text field and select Administrator in the auth list , you need to run two text input commands: frm ; user ; admin and frm ; auth ; 2
        • Check box  - check or uncheck a radio button or check box . Parameters are entered in the following formats:
          FormNameOrIndex; ElementNameOrIndex; Value
          selector; selectorData; Value
          • FormNameOrIndex  - A sequential number (starting with zero) or the name of the FORM in which the element is located.
          • ElementNameOrIndex An  ordinal number (starting with zero) or the name of an element in the form of FORM.
          • selector  - the keyword selector , determines the search method.
          • selectorData  is a valid CSS selector to identify the element you are looking for.
          • Value can be true or false . The value of true for flagging / radiobuttons, false - remover mark.
        • Submit Form  - The entered form is sent to the server. It takes the name or number of the form as a parameter. Enter the keyword = LAST = to use the previous manipulated form.
        • Send Events  - Send one or more events to the selected item. Events occur, as a rule, as a result of user actions - mouse clicks, text input, etc. The main events that you may be interested in are click, submit, mousedown, keydown, and others. Applies when a separate event handler is installed for a link or other element. Command parameters are entered in the format Tag; SearchKey; SearchData; Events [; Index] , where the tag name of the required element (for example, a , input , form , select , etc.) is entered as the Tag parameter . The SearchKey parameter can be one of the following values:
          • id  - search for an object with the Tag tag by its ID, SearchData  - the searched identifier, Events  - events to be sent to the found object. For example, to load handler onclick references < a the href = "" id = " mylink "> Link </a> need to enter a ; id ; mylink ; click . All types of search are available .
          • link  - search for a link by its part (the name of the Tag tag must be set with the letter a (English)), SearchData  - part of the URL of the link you are looking for , Events  - events that need to be sent to the found link. For example, if you enter a ; link ; ; click the click event will be sent to such a link <a href=" "> the link you are looking for </a> . Search by regular expression is possible .
          • number  - search for an object by its ordinal number in the list of objects with the same Tag in the document, SearchData  - ordinal number (starts with ZERO), Events  - events that need to be sent to the found object. For example, if you know that there are 7 objects in the document with the a tag, and the third of them is the link you need to click on, and you need to send a click on the third link, then you need to enter a ; number ; 2 ; click .
          • text  - search for an object by part of the text contained in the innerHTML property, SearchData  - a part of the searched text, Events  - events that need to be sent to the found object. The search is done in the innerHTML property. For example, if you enter a ; text ; Vasya ; click the click will be made on the following link: <a href=""> Vasya </a> . All types of search are available .
          • value  - search for an object by a part of the text contained in the value attribute, SearchData  - a part of the search text, Events  - events that need to be sent to the found object. The search is performed in a parameter attribute (for example, for text fields). For example, when you enter input ; value ; Send ; click event click is sent to a button: <input the name = "the submit" of the type = "the submit" of value = " Send " /> . All types of search are available .
          • name  - search for an object by part of the name contained in the name attribute, SearchData  - a part of the search text, Events  - events that need to be sent to the found object. The search is performed in the content of the name attribute. For example, when you enter input ; name ; send ; click event click is sent to the button <input the name = " the send " of the type = "the submit" of value = "Submit" /> . All types of search are available .
          • last  - selection of the last object that was previously used by the commands "Enter text", "Mark a checkbox", "Send events", Tag and SearchData  - are ignored, but must be set to any value, Events  - the names of events that need to be sent to the object. For example, the user text field of the form <form name = " frm "> <input name = " user "> </form> will receive the text test , keydown and keyup events when entering the Text Input commands with the parameters frm; user; test and "Send events" with parameters 123 ; last ; 123 ; mousedown !! mouseup .
          • selector  - search for an element by a CSS selector, SearchData must be a valid CSS selector. Events  - the names of the events to be sent to the object. For example, when the parameters input; selector; div.row [name = text]; click event click is sent to the text field name text , located inside the element div with class row , for example such: <div class = "row"> ... <input type = "text" name = "text" /> ... </div> .
          • custom  - search for an object by parameters for which no separate commands have been created (for example, title, class, etc.), SearchData is entered in the form name = value (or name1 = value1 !! name2 = value2), where name is the name of the parameter, value is part of the value of this parameter, Events  are events to be sent to the found object. For example, when you enter input ; custom ; class = btn ; click, the click will be made on the following button: <input name = "send" class = " btn " type = "submit" value = "Send" /> . All types of search are available .
          • Note 1 When dispatching mousedown, mouseup, click events to links, the actual clicking of the links is not performed.
          • Note 2 You can set the Events parameter with the ALL keyword , then all event handlers defined for the found item will be called.
          • Note 3 . If you want to send several events at once, separate them with two exclamation marks !! ... For example, when typing img ; custom ; class = btnimg !! alt = go ; mousedown !! mouseup !! click events of the mousedown , the mouseup and click will be sent to the image <img the src = "" class = " btnimg " alt = " ! go " />
          • Note 4 You can enter an optional numeric Index parameter so that the event is not dispatched to the first item found, but rather to the one specified in the Index parameter . Items are indexed at zero. If you enter a negative value of -1, events will be sent to the random found item. For example, for the click event to be sent to a random link, you need to set the parameters a; link;; click; -1
        • Clear cookie  - clears the saved data for sites. Parameters can be written as: [StorageType] [; Domain] [; Domain] ...
          • StorageType (optional) - the type of storage to clean up. Allowed keywords (comma-separated list is possible):
            • ALL - all storages. Used as the default.
            • COOKIE - cookies.
            • FLASH - Flash LSO.
            • INDEXEDDB - IndexedDB.
            • CACHE - cache.
            • HISTORY - history.
          • Domain (optional) - The domain to be cleaned up. By default, data for all domains is deleted.
          Time | Team | Command parameters | Description
          -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
            0 | Clear cookie | | clearing all data
            0 | Clear cookie | COOKIE | cleaning only cookies
            0 | Clear cookie | COOKIE, CACHE | clearing cookies and cache
            0 | Clear cookie | COOKIE;; | cleaning cookies for and
        • Insert script  - the specified JavaScript script is executed. As a command parameter, you must specify the script text in JavaScript (max. 1000 characters per command), or a link to an external script.

          Attention! The script should only be used to control the display of the site ! It is forbidden, directly or indirectly, to use scripts to create any additional page elements (for example, frames). It is forbidden to use encrypted and malicious scripts . The minimum fine for this violation is 10,000 credits.

          Note. When using at least one command of this type, the site is automatically marked as potentially dangerous.

        • Transition POST  - acts in the same way as a regular "Go" command, but transfers to the specified address using the POST method (usually, this method is used to send web forms).

          Command parameters are filled in the format Url; [;;] Data [; Referrer] . Parameter Url  - the address to which the transition is made (filled in the same way as the "Go" command), Data  - the parameters of the POST request in the URL format, i.e. param1 = value1 & param2 = value2. If it contains anything other than English letters and numbers, URL-encoding must be applied to the parameter values.

          For example, when entering ; user = Admin & pass = 123, an imitation of sending such a form will be performed: <form method = "post" action = " "> <input name = " user " value = " Admin " / > <input name = " pass " value = " 123 " type = "password" /> <input type = "submit" /> </form>

          Note: If you need to transfer a special address as a referrer, enter the optional Referrer parameter , specify the address of the referred referrer as the address, for example

          If you need to pass the referrer that was sent to the server when you enter your site (when the first page is requested), specify the SELECTED keyword as the referrer . To send the address of the current page as a referrer, specify the CURRENT keyword as a referrer .

        • Change presentation  - makes changes to the parameters of the presentation. Parameters are entered in the format Name = Value , where Name is the name of the setting, Value is the setting value. If it is necessary to change several settings, the setting-value pair are separated by a semicolon ( ; ). A command can also be defined inside the parameters of any other command with a construction like <set (setting1 = value1; setting2 = value2 ...)> (not recommended). In this case, the structure will be automatically replaced with the "Parameter settings" command, which will be inserted before the command, in the parameters of which this structure is located.

          The following settings and operations are currently supported:

          • Enable / Disable JavaScript
            • js = 1  - enable JavaScript
            • js = 0  - disable JavaScript
          • Enabling / disabling image download
            • img = 1  - enable image loading
            • img = 0  - disable loading images
          • Shutting down Java
            • java = 0  - Disable Java detection via navigator.javaEnabled ().
          • Changing the time until the next command is executed
            • cmdtime = Time , where Time is the time in seconds after which the next command will be executed.
          • Changing the number of the next command  - sets the number of the next command. Commands are numbered starting from zero.
            • cmdindex = Index , where Index is the number of the command to be executed next.
          • Stop Presentation  - Stops the execution of all presentation commands. After completing this operation, no further commands will be executed.
            • stop = 1 - stops execution of presentation commands.
            • stop = 0 - stops the execution of presentation commands and ends the visit to the site ahead of schedule.

              If the presentation is stopped later than 30 seconds after the start, the visit ends immediately. Otherwise, the visit continues until 30 seconds have elapsed after the start, after which the visit ends.

              After the end of the visit, the payment is recalculated in accordance with the time spent. Unspent credits are returned to the balance of the advertising platform. The minimum billable time is 30 seconds.

          • Clear Browser Window  - clears the browser window of any content.
            • clear = 1
          • How to find items  - specifies how to find items when executing the "Find link", "Send events" presentation commands, and so on.

            It can take the following values:

            • search = std  - full-text search method. Finds an element only if the search value exactly matches the given data (case-insensitive only when searching for a URL).
            • search = index  - uses the partial search method, enabled by default. Finds an element only if part of the lookup value matches the given data (case-insensitive only for URL lookups).
            • search = regexp  - search for a match by regular expression. Regular expressions are specified as / pattern / flags . Allowed flags are i , m , s , n , x ( more about flags ).

            Lasts until overridden by a new value.

          • Search among hidden elements  - determines whether the program should ignore links and other elements with the display: none style when searching .
            • hidden = 1  - the program should also search among hidden elements
            • hidden = 0  - the program should not search among hidden elements
            By default, hidden items are not searched.
          • Opening new / pop-up windows .

            When you click on some elements such as flash banners, or on links, clicks on which are processed by JavaScript, the pages may open in a new window and it is difficult or impossible to influence this. But since all pop-ups are blocked by the SecureSurf browser by default, the desired page opening in a new window will be blocked. This option allows you to allow such pages to open either in the current window or in an additional window.

            • popup = 5  - to allow opening 5 pop-up windows in a row, while the contents of the fifth window can replace the contents of previous windows (instead of 5, there can be any value greater than zero).
            • popup = 0  - disable the opening of pop-up windows.
          • Setting the tab to which pop-ups will be redirected

            By default, links that have the target = "_blank" attribute and try to open in a new browser tab are redirected to the active tab. This setting overrides this behavior and, depending on the state of this option, the content of the page to which the link points can be loaded into one of the additional tabs of the program, thereby preventing the replacement of content in the currently active tab.

            Setting openwin = Value or popuptab = Value [, nofocus]  - allows opening links in another tab, where Value :
            • a number from 0 to 3 - the number of the tab to which pop-ups will be redirected
            • current - pop-ups will open with the currently active tab
            • prev - pop-up windows will open in the previous, relatively active at the moment, tab
            • next - pop-up windows will open in the next, relatively active at the moment, tab
            If nofocus is specified , the active tab will not change when pop-ups are opened in a new tab.

            Note : when using this option, it is recommended to also allow the opening of N-th number of pop-up windows with the popup = N option ( see above ).

          • Change active tab

            By default, commands work with the main (zero) browser tab. In some cases, you need to work with the content of additional tabs.

            • tab = N  - activates the N tab, where N is the tab number, a number from 0 to 3.
          • Presentation progress report

            Forces the program, after the show is executed, to send the contents of the presentation execution log to the specified address using the application / x-www-form-urlencoded UTF-8 encoded POST method.

            It is entered in the following format: log = PASSWORD: URL or log = URL , where URL is the address starting with http: // or https: // to which the report will be sent, and PASSWORD (optional) is the password you have come up with that will be sent along with the rest of the data.

            Transmitted data:

            • id - ID of the advertising platform (site)
            • ip - visitor's IP address
            • log - the contents of the log
            • password - the password if you specified it in the PASSWORD parameter .

            Sample reporting scripts (PHP): log-examples.7z

          • Change the text input method

            The type setting is used to switch the text input by the "Enter Text" command from insertion, by changing the value property, to character-by-character input and vice versa.

            • type = 1  - activates character-by-character text mode.
            • type = 0  - activates text insertion mode (default input mode).
          • Enabling and disabling the target attribute substitution mode for links

            The retarget setting is used to switch the mode of replacing the target attribute of links when clicking on them using the "Click" command .

            • retarget = 1  - turns on the mode of setting the value of _top to the target attribute before clicking. By default, this mode is used.
            • retarget = 0  - disables the mode of changing the target attribute before clicking.
          • Changing the display language for captcha type reCAPTCHA V2

            The recaptchalng setting allows you to set the language of the captcha hint text reCAPTCHA V2. The setting affects all subsequent captcha downloads.

            • recaptchalng = default  - enables displaying hints in the default language (in the native language of the visitor, or in the language selected by the owner of the site with the captcha).
            • recaptchalng = language_code , where the language code for displaying hints is one of the values ​​listed in the developer documentation .
            Time | Team | Command parameters | Description
            -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
              0 | Change presentation | recaptchalng = en | displaying captcha text in English
              0 | Change presentation | recaptchalng = ru | displaying captcha text in Russian
              0 | Change presentation | recaptchalng = default | auto-select the language for displaying the captcha text
          • Sets the return value on the next call to window.prompt () .

            Setting promptvalue allows you to set the value that the window.prompt () function will return when it is next called.

            Time | Team | Command parameters | Description
            -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
              0 | Change presentation | promptvalue = 12345 | setting value 12345
        • Change UserAgent  - changes the UserAgent header, which will be transmitted to the server in subsequent requests for site pages.

          The required value of the UserAgent header is specified as a command parameter. If you specify the DEFAULT keyword as a parameter , the UserAgent will be set, initially selected by the program (which was transferred to the server when the first page was requested).

          It is also permissible to use the URL of an external file with a list of UserAgents. The content of the file must be in ASCII / UTF-8 encoding with a mime-type compatible with text / plain (no compression). Each UserAgent entry must start on a new line. The file size must be no more than 512KB.

          Note . The file containing the UserAgent list is loaded asynchronously for 5 seconds. In this regard, when using an external file for the "Change UserAgent" command, you need to set the execution time from 1 to 6 seconds. If the file is not loaded successfully within 5 seconds, setting the new UserAgent value will be ignored.

        • Change frame . By default, presentation teams work with the main loaded page. If the page contains nested frames, then, for example, the Find Link command will not find the link contained in the frame. This can be avoided by changing the frame that commands work with.

          The list of commands, the execution of which depends on the current frame: Search for a link, Enter text, Mark a checkbox, Submit a form, Send events, Insert script.

          This command will help to make the frame you need current. The command parameter can be the following value:

          • TOP  is the main frame of the page (main document).
          • Frame identifier (s). Specifying multiple IDs separated by !! (with two exclamation marks), allows access to nested frames, i.e. if the main document contains one frame, and this frame contains two more frames, of which we need the second, then the command parameter must be set to 0 !! 1 (frame numbering starts from zero).

            The identifier can take the following values:

            • Number  - the frame number (at the current nesting level), starting at zero. When you enter parameter 5 , the sixth frame of the document will be found .
            • url = URL , where instead of the URL you need to enter the part of the address that should be contained in the desired frame. When you enter the url = parameter , the following frame will be found, for example: <iframe src = " "> .
            • url == URL , where instead of URL you need to enter the exact address (matching for each character) of the claim frame. When you enter the url == http: // parameter , ONLY SUCH frame will be found : <iframe src = " "> .
            • name = NAME , where instead of NAME you need to enter part of the name of the frame you are looking for. Entering the name = fra parameter will find, for example, the following frame: <iframe name = "mega fra me" src = ""> .
            • name == NAME , where instead of NAME you must enter the exact name of the frame. When you enter the name == megaframe parameter , ONLY a frame will be found: <iframe name = " megaframe " src = "">
            • selector; SelectorData , where instead of SelectorData you need to enter the value of the CSS selector by which you can find the frame. With the parameters selector; iframe [src * = example] , the frame into which the document is loaded containing the word example in its address will be selected . For example: <iframe src = ""> </iframe>
            • custom; AttributeName = AttributeValue
              iframe; AttributeName = AttributeValue
              frame; AttributeName = AttributeValue
              where instead of AttributeName and AttributeValue, you need to enter the name and value (or part of the value) of one of the frame attributes, by which it can be uniquely identified. For example, when you enter the parameter custom; src = frameUrl? 12345, a frame will be found, the src attribute of which contains frameUrl? 12345 : <iframe src = "">

            Usage example

            Objective: we need to execute the "Find link" command in order to click on the link <a href="http://www. mysite .com" onclick="click_handler()"> Link </a> located in the <iframe name frame = " frame2 " src = ""> . We know for sure that we need a frame named frame2 or the URL . Which way to search for a frame to use is irrelevant in this example. Searching for name == frame2 and url = frame.php will work the same way.

            Search by frame name is preferred. We receive commands:

            • "Change frame" with parameter name == frame2
            • "Link search" with link parameters ; mysite

            Note 1 . When searching for frames, a case-insensitive data comparison is used.

            Note 2 . You can use tools such as a Firefox add-on called Firebug, built-in browser tools to explore the document's frame structure, or at the right time click on the Frames button in the presentation testing program and the results of the study of the frame structure will be written to the log window.

        • Main page  - defines the display time of the first loaded page and, if required, files with lists of referrers and agents. If the time for showing the first page is not specified by this command, it is calculated according to the same rules as for commands for which the execution time has not been set.

          The command has two optional format parameters [RefUrl [; AgentsUrl]] .

          • The RefUrl parameter sets a link to a file containing a list of referrer pages. It is allowed to specify the DEFAULT keyword to use the referrer defined for the current page, specified in the Page and HTTP_REFERER settings .
          • The AgentsUrl parameter sets a link to a file containing a list of UserAgents. It is allowed to specify the DEFAULT keyword to use an agent chosen by the program at random.
          • Note 1 . A file with a list of agents or referrers must be transferred in uncompressed form, encoded in ASCII / UTF-8 and contain no more than 512 KB of records. Each entry in the file must start on a new line. If you need a large number of entries, you can put them in multiple files and use the rndr, rndt, and rnd functions to get a link to a random file. If the file is not loaded within 5 seconds, UserAgent or referrer page, respectively, will be set to default values.
          • Note 2 . In the parameters of the command to get the presentation settings, ONLY the following constructions are allowed:
            • <get (pmd5)>  - to insert the md5 hash of the virtual path to the page. For example, for the address /pages/page1.php ? Date = 15, this construction represents c8e566362ac8dc88cc99cdd8f434140a
            • <get (qmd5)>  - to insert the md5 hash of the request data. For example, for the address ? Date = 15, this construction represents aef8b38aa83c561b61b13a3bb99ec831
            • <get (pqmd5)>  - to insert the md5 hash of the virtual path and request data. For example, for the address /pages/page1.php?date=15 this construction represents 722ab79285deedbe9835953eb3644bc2
          • Examples :

            Suppose the page is loaded , then

            • if you want to set only the time for showing the first page, the parameters are not specified;
            • if you need to specify a file with referrers, you need to insert a link like as a parameter (the agent in this case will be set by the program)
            • if you need to specify only a file with agents, insert DEFAULT as a parameter ; http: // (in this case, the referrer will be taken from the display settings in the Page and HTTP_REFERER settings section )
        • Click  - imitation of a click on an object using the functions of the operating system. The object perceives the click as coming from the user and performs the appropriate action, such as following a link or submitting a form. The "Click" command is not executed instantly, unlike other commands, at first the mouse movement is simulated from a random point, then a click is made, in total it takes about 4 seconds (the time can be changed).

          Command parameters are entered in the format TagName; SearchKey; SearchValue [; Number; ClickRectangle; ClickTime; RewriteTarget] , where

          TagName  - the name of the tag of the required element (for example, a, input, object, embed, etc.) or the viewport keyword , which determines when the coordinates are clicked.
          To make a click on the coordinates option SearchKey must be specified keyword custom , and searchValue  - recorded in a format xalign: yalign: width: height , defines a rectangle for making clicks in the visible part of the page

          • xAlign - the X coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle, or one of the keywords that define the anchoring of the rectangle along the X axis. Allowed keywords are left (anchor to the left), center (anchor to the center), right (anchor to the right).
          • yAlign - the Y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle or one of the keywords that define the y-anchor of the rectangle. The keywords are top (anchor to the top), center (anchor to the center), bottom (anchor to the bottom).
          • width - the width of the rectangle, or the width keyword to substitute a value equal to the width of the window. The value that determines the width of the rectangle must be at least 1 (one).
          • height - the height of the rectangle, or the height keyword to substitute a value equal to the height of the window. The value that determines the height of the rectangle must be at least 1 (unit).
          • Time | Team | Parameters for clicking on coordinates | Description
            -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
              30 | Click | viewport; custom; center: center: 1: 1 | in the center of the window
              30 | Click | viewport; custom; 100: 100: 1: 1 | at point (100; 100)
              30 | Click | viewport; custom; 0: 0: width: height | at any point
              30 | Click | viewport; custom; right: bottom: 100: 100 | bottom right

          SearchKey  - indicates how to find the desired object and can take one of the following values:

          • id  - search for an object by ID, SearchValue  - the required identifier. For example, if you enter a ; id ; mylink, the following link will be found: <a href="" id=" mylink "> Link </a> . All types of search are available .
          • link  - search for a link by its part, SearchValue  - a part of the desired link. The TagName parameter is ignored. A click will be made on the link containing part of the text passed as the SearchValue parameter . For example, if you enter a ; link ; such a link will be found <a href=" "> the required link </a> . All types of search are available .
          • number  - search for an object with the TagName tag by its ordinal number in the document, SearchValue  - sequential number (starts with ZERO). For example, if you know that there are 7 links in the document and you need to click on the third, then you need to enter a ; number ; 2
          • text  - search for an object with the TagName tag by its text, SearchValue  - a part of the text. The search is performed in the innerHTML property of the object. For example, if you enter a ; text ; Vasya will find the following link: <a href=""> Vasya </a> . All types of search are available .
          • name  - search for an object with the TagName tag by its name, SearchValue  - a part of the object name. The search is performed in the name attribute . For example, if you enter a ; name ; link the following link will be found: <a href="" name=" link "> Vasya Pupkin </a> . All types of search are available .
          • last  - selection of the last object previously used by the commands "Enter text", "Mark a checkbox", "Send events", the TagName and SearchValue parameters are ignored, but their input is required. For example, in order for a random link from all links in the document containing the word firstpage to receive a keydown event and then click on it, you can use the following sequence of commands: "Send events" with the parameters a; link; firstpage; keydown; -1 and "Click" with parameters last ; 0
          • selector  - search for an element with tag TagName by CSS selector, SearchValue is a valid CSS selector. For example, with the parameters input; selector; div.row input.button, an element with an input tag and a button class located inside a div element with a class row will be clicked , for example: <div class = "row"> ... <input type = "submit" class = "button" /> ... </div> .
          • custom  - search for an object with the TagName tag by attributes for which no separate commands have been created (for example, title, class, etc.), SearchValue is entered in the form name = value , where name is the name of the attribute, value is part of the value of this parameter. Search by several attributes is possible, in this case the SearchValue parameter is set as name1 = value1 !! name2 = value2 !! name3 = value3 ... (separated by !! by two exclamation marks). For example, if you enter a ; custom ; class = mylink !! href = http: // the following link will be found: <a href=" "class=" mylink "> My site </a> . All types of search are available .

          Parameter Number (optional) - defines the index of the object, starting from zero (among those matching the search conditions), which will be clicked. If this parameter is absent, the click is performed on the first found object. If the value of this parameter is set to a negative value, the click will be made on a random object from the list of found ones. For example, if you enter a ; link ; ; -1 will be clicked on one random link from links that contain the address .

          The ClickRectangle parameter (optional) - sets a rectangle in the desired object, within which the click will be made. It is required if it matters at what point of the object a click should be made (for example, to start playing a flash movie, you need to press the Play button), otherwise it is not necessary to specify. A value of 0 or no value will determine a click anywhere on the object. Entered in the formatX: Y: Width: Height, where X and Y denote the coordinate of the starting point of the rectangle within which the click should be made, Width and Height are the width and height of the rectangle. The values ​​are entered in pixels.
          Example : the object has dimensions 200x200 pixels, we need to click in the middle in a 20x20 pixels square. Then the rectangle will be specified with coordinates 90: 90: 20: 20 (90 = 200 (object size) / 2-20 (rectangle size for click) / 2). To leave the default ClickRectangle setting , enter a value of 0 or -1: -1: -1: -1 .

          Parameter ClickTime (optional) - click time parameters, should be entered only if they differ from the default values. It is entered in the MoveTime: Click format . Each of the values ​​is entered in milliseconds. MoveTime  - time to move the mouse from a random point outside the browser to the clicked point in a given object (3000 ms by default), Click  - the time from the end of the mouse movement to pressing the left button, by default from 150 to 700 ms randomly. To leave the default ClickTime value , enter 0 or -1: -1 .

          The RewriteTarget parameter (optional) is the value by which the value of the target attribute of the link is replaced , by default it is _top (to prevent an attempt to open the link in a new window). Enter ORIGIN to turn off autocorrect.

        • Refinement of a block  - remembers a block (DIV) from which subsequent commands "Find link", "Click" and "Send events" will select links or other elements of the page. Command parameters are entered in the format SearchKey; SearchData [; Index] , where SearchKey takes the following values:
          • id  - search for a block by ID, SearchData  - the required identifier. For example, when entering id ; menu , the following block will be found: <div id = "menu"> ... </div> . All types of search are available .
          • number  - search for a block by its ordinal number in the document, SearchData  - sequential number (starts with ZERO). For example, if you know that there are 7 blocks in the document and you need to select the third one, then you need to enter number ; 2 . (Using this search method is not recommended due to the complexity)
          • name  - search for a block by its name, SearchData  - a part of the block name. The search is performed in the name attribute . All types of search are available . (Using this search method is not recommended due to the absence of the name attribute in blocks)
          • custom  - search for a block by attributes for which no separate commands have been created (for example, class, etc.), SearchData is entered in the form name = value , where name is the name of the attribute, value is part of the value of this parameter. Search by several attributes is possible, in this case the SearchData parameter is set as name1 = value1 !! name2 = value2 !! name3 = value3 ... (separated by !! by two exclamation marks). For example, when you enter custom ; class = menu the block will be found: <div class = " menu "> ... </div> . All types of search are available .
          • Index parameter (optional) - defines the index of the required block among the matching search conditions. If this parameter is absent, the very first block that matches the search conditions is selected. To select a random block that meets the search conditions, you must specify a negative value for this parameter (-1).
    • Retrieving presentation parameters

      Insert a <get (customization)> construct in the parameters of any presentation command (except for the "Master Page" command) so that the value of the corresponding parameter appears in the presentation command parameter instead.

      The following commands are currently supported:

      • Remaining presentation time - time
        • <get (time)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
      • Remaining time until the next command is executed - cmdtime
        • <get (cmdtime)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
      • The next command number is cmdindex

        Gives the number of the command that will be executed after the current command expires. Commands are numbered starting from zero.

        • <get (cmdindex)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
      • Number of presentation teams - count
        • <get (count)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
      • Visitor IP - ip
        • <get (ip)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
      • HTTP-Referer  - referer
        • <get (referer)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
      • Test Mode - test Indicates whether the presentation is running in the testing program. Replaced with 1 for testing, and 0 for visits.
        • <get (test)>  - for insertion into parameters of presentation commands
    • Common functions

      Presentation mode provides several options for inserting random text. They affect all parameters of all commands. It happens like this: you insert a function at the right place in the text, and during the presentation, it will be replaced with random text in accordance with the settings. It is possible to nest one function in the parameters of another.

      • Insert random text from a set of characters of a given length

        A function of the form <rnd (Length: Alphabet)> returns a random sequence of characters of length Length from the given alphabet Alphabet . There are also a number of predefined alphabets (i.e. no need to enter abc where ... but instead you can only enter #r):

        • #n  - numbers from 0 to 9
        • #c  - Latin letters from a to z
        • #C  - Latin letters from A to Z
        • #r  - Russian letters from a to z
        • #R  - Russian letters from A to Z
        • #!  - special characters ~ `@ # $% ^ & * ();" ': /? <>., [] {} | \ -_ +! =
        • #s  - symbol ; (semicolon)
        • #d  - character : (colon)
        • #p  is the character ) (round closing parenthesis)


        • <rnd (3: #n)> will return any 3-digit number (e.g. 485)
        • <rnd (5: # c # C)> will produce a set of five random uppercase and lowercase Latin characters (e.g. HdoIW)
        • <rnd (32: #nabcdef)> will return a 32 character set, similar to the hash produced by the md5 function
        • <rnd (4: # C # C # C # c)> will produce a set of four random Latin characters in which uppercase characters are three times more likely to appear than lowercase ones.
      • Insert random text from a selection set

        A function of the form <rndt (value !! value !! value !! value ...)> returns a random value value from a list of options, separated by !! (with two exclamation marks).

        • <rndt (Yandex !! Rambler !! Google)> can return the word Google .
        • Enter<rndt(index!!news!!tools)>.htm in parameter A of the "Go" command to switch to one of the pages: , etc.
      • Insert a random number with minimum and maximum restrictions

        A function like <rndr (Min: Max)> produces a random number from Min to Max

        For example, <rndr (10:99)> can return the number 39 (any number between 10 and 99, inclusive).
      • Inserting the result of evaluating a simple expression

        A function of the form <get (expression)> evaluates and returns the result of the corresponding expression.

        You can use the signs + (plus), - (minus), * (multiply), / (divide), and parentheses () .

        If the expression cannot be evaluated, the result will be an empty string.

        For example, <get (((5 + 1) * 2-1) / 2)> will return 5.5 .
      • Inserting the result of rounding a number to an integer

        A function of the form <int (value)> rounds the value to an integer.

        For example, <int (2.2)> will return 2 , <int (2.6)> will return 3 .
      • Inserting the result of rounding a number to a larger integer

        A function of the form <intg (value)> rounds a value to the smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified decimal value.

        For example, <intg (2.2)> will return 3 .
      • Inserting the result of rounding a number to the smallest integer

        A function of the form <intl (value)> rounds the value to the largest integer less than or equal to the specified decimal value.

        For example, <intl (2.2)> will return 2 .
      • Insert the current year, month, day, or hour

        Functions of the form <get (year)> , <get (month)> , <get (day)> , <get (hour)> return the ordinal number of the current year, month, day and hour, respectively, according to universal time (UTC) .

        For example, for the time 00:00 UTC, September 7, 2011 (which is equal to 20:00, September 6, 2011 UTC ), the following results will be returned:
        • <get (year)> will be returned in 2011
        • <get (month)> will return 09
        • <get (day)> will return 06
        • <get (hour)> will return 21
        Note: Moscow time corresponds to UTC + 4 time zone .
      • Inserting a value conditionally

        A construction like <if (condition, value1, value2)> will return value1 if the condition is true, otherwise - value2 .

        The comparison clause can consist of 2 numbers and a comparison sign: > (greater than), > = (greater than or equal), < (less), <= (less or equal), == or = (equal); either from the url keyword , equal signs (double to match exactly, single to compare part of an address) or inequality ( ! = ), and part of a URL.

        Note . As part of the URL, it is allowed to use the characters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and signs /-+&:?=.%

        Example 1. <if (2> 5, value1, value2)> outputs the value2 .

        Example 2. <the if ( <the get (time)> > = 5, value1, value2)> outputs the value1 , if the remaining time the presentation is greater than or equal to 5 seconds, and value2 if there are less than 5 seconds.

        Example 3. <the if (url No = viewtopic, value1, value2)> outputs the value1 , if the address of the current page contains the word viewtopic , and value2 if not contained.

      • Executing dynamic presentation scripts for JetSwap

        The current version of the software supports basic support for executing dynamic presentation scripts written for the JetSwap system. A dynamic presentation script written for JetSwap is connected in the Insert Script command with the <dls (script_address)> structure .

        To prepare a presentation, it is recommended to enter the address about: blank instead of the site address, and then call the Home page commands to set the display time of the about: blank page for 1 second, and Insert script to get the presentation key and load the control script.

        Example : in the settings, instead of the site address, enter about: blank , set the display time to 60 seconds. and add 2 commands:

        Time | Team | Options
        -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
           1 | Home page | DEFAULT; DEFAULT
          60 | Insert script | var prskey = "<get (key)>"; <dls (>

        Note : despite the support for this type of scripting, it is recommended to write scripts for new presentations in JavaScript using the capabilities provided in the dynamic presentation mode .

      • Testing Presentation Mode

        Presentation mode offers you very flexible customization of how your sites are displayed. It is, however, a very complex tool, so for best results we recommend that you test the settings you have made. For you, we have prepared a special program that will show you the entire presentation process exactly the way visitors will see it.

        • Download the offline installer and install the bundle it provides.
        • Run the SecureSurf.Tester.exe program. The program needs network access to receive presentation data.
        • Click on the picture Presentation testin the list of sites for the site you need. (This picture appears only when Presentation Mode is on.)
        • Copy the code obtained on the page into the program's text window (near which it says "Enter the code to start the test") and click the "Start" button.

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